Hypergamy pt 1

The Phoenix Infidelity Podcast
The Phoenix Infidelity Podcast
Hypergamy pt 1

In this conversation we introduce the controversial theory of hypergamy and reasons for infidelity based on Dr. Buss’ research. We start looking at variables that raise the probability of cheat and discuss a little bit whether it is possible to be happy in one’s current relationship yet desire more sexual variety. We also touch on the likelihood of a relationship working out when formed out of infidelity. Spoiler alert… it’s not high at all. And we talk about the likelihood of gaining back the trust in a relationship after one of the partners has been unfaithful.

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– The Grief of an Affair


– Buss, D. M. (2000). The dangerous passion: Why jealousy is as necessary as love and sex. Free Press.

Interesting studies (Summarized by ChatGPT4)

  1. Blow, A. J., Hartnett, K., & Infidelity Research Team. (2005). This study reviewed previous research on infidelity and found that men are more likely to cheat than women. However, the study also found that women are catching up to men in terms of the rates of infidelity, particularly among younger generations. The study also noted that people who are less committed to their relationships and who have a history of infidelity are more likely to cheat.
  2. Allen, E. S., & Rhoades, G. K. (2008). This study found that there are differences between partners who cheat and partners who do not. Specifically, partners who cheat tend to be less satisfied with their relationships and less committed to their partners. The study also found that partners who cheat are more likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
  3. Mark, K. P., Janssen, E., & Milhausen, R. R. (2011). This study found that men and women differ in their reasons for cheating. Men were more likely to cheat for sexual reasons, while women were more likely to cheat for emotional reasons. The study also found that people who reported a higher level of sexual sensation seeking, a lower level of relationship satisfaction, and a higher level of neuroticism were more likely to cheat.
  4. Blow, A. J., Hartnett, K., & Infidelity Research Team. (2005). This study reviewed previous research on infidelity and found that men are more likely to cheat than women. However, the study also found that women are catching up to men in terms of the rates of infidelity, particularly among younger generations. The study also noted that people who are less committed to their relationships and who have a history of infidelity are more likely to cheat.

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